Art as a food source developed a new significance for me as I took on the role of artist and provider. Creating food for my family, as I entered motherhood, was foundational to my sense of the world and it formed this body of work exhibited in Photosynthesis: A Terrestrial Plant Project.
Through dialogue with conservation scientists, I came to understand that black beans have Anthocyanins; a water-soluble red to blue pigment that derives from a flower or plant such as blackberries, cherries, blueberries and black beans. Anthocyanins can create electrical energy as they are phytochemicals, specifically flavonoids, which are essential to the plants biosynthesis and defense system. For this reason, Anthocyanins are used in organic solar panels and acts as the agent that senses light. Being an artist, a lifelong gardener, and someone who feels energized by the sun, a solar panel made from plant material made absolute sense to me. Upon further investigation solar cells became a way for me to make paintings by using PH controlled fruit Inks on Nano-sized Titanium paint.
Light and perception has always been a subject for exploration in my work. In my current state of art making, I am crossing boundaries in science, tech, horticulture, biology, and design. The near ultraviolet paintings display the fluorescence of fruit and are wired to display the amount of energy the paintings produce from ambient light. The voltmeter reacts to the viewer, slowly decreasing as the viewer can affect the amount of light the paintings are receiving. The colorful functioning paintings possess a similar essence of what I see as a natural phenomenon - the act of photosynthesis. For centuries artists have looked to nature to help with composition, color, and form. My project is looking to nature for its technology.
Black beans, like all plants, start from a seed and over the course of their development become a source of energy that is consumable, at which point they provide the energy to fuel the creative process of something else. This process of endless energy recycling drives my creative practice and is how I explore ideas, materials and forms - even in something as small as a bean.

Painting in 2020 (photosynthesis)
Various sizes 10”x 10” to 2”W x 2”H x .5” D (each painting)
anthocyanin dye, electrolyte, graphite, nano-titanium dioxide, architectural glass, painted steel shelf, painted steel frame
2018, 2019
An installation of multiple Nano Titanium Dioxide paintings. Older paintings on the Left show oxidation (from light and the photocatalytic process) while others were ‘refreshed’ with new ink